This course will teach you to care for and maintain every wearing part on your chainsaw, from the guide bar to the chain and sprockets, fuel and air filters, starter mechanism, clutch and chain brake. The course is predominantly video based, with detailed descriptions and demonstrations of all the operations you will need to perform to understand your saw and keep it in top working order, whatever duty you put it through. The course will take about four hours to view all material from start to finish but it is designed to be modular so that you can use each individual lecture as a "how to" before you go ahead and perform each job on your own saw yourself. The course is split into five main teaching sections and introduces you to a course overview, the right Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), how to select the tools for your job, each individual maintenance process on the saw and a specific section devoted to chain care, maintenance and sharpening. There are quizzes in each section to help you check your progress and by the end of the course you will have covered a syllabus which professional chainsaw operators have to fulfil to successfully pass a UK industry standard assessment in chainsaw maintenance. Over the life of a saw, this knowledge will save you more money in maintenance than the saw costs to buy new and will ensure you are capable of extracting the highest cutting performance, accuracy and quality possible from your machine.
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    In today's world, we use many devices to keep ourselves connected. You may know that 'the cloud' is used to connect our devices, but what does 'the cloud' mean and how can it be best used with our all of our Apple devices? In this course, we'll discuss and compare the five most common cloud services that easily integrate into the Apple device ecosystem: iCloud, Google, Microsoft, Dropbox and Amazon. We'll help you set up each of these services and explain how they can be used for syncing, storing and accessing your media (like photos and videos), documents and other information. This course is suitable for anyone who uses multiple Apple devices (Macs, iPhones, iPads) daily, from beginners to experts. We'll start by defining 'the cloud' and introducing each service. Next, we'll guide you in setting up and using each service in a step-by-step manner - - it will be helpful to follow along with your Apple Device. Finally, we'll compare and contrast each service so that you can decide which best suits your needs. By the end of this course, you should have a strong understanding on how to best use cloud services on all of your Apple devices.
      Do you want to clean your home effectively & affordably with nontoxic & eco-friendly DIY products? We've got you covered. You want cleaning recipes and tricks that are: Effective : We tested over 100 tricks and recipe combinations so you wouldn’t have to waste your time with trial and error. Affordable : Cleaning your home without the risk of getting cancer should not be a privilege reserved for the wealthy. Safe : We’ve only chosen the absolute safest ingredients for your DIY products and share important safety guidelines. Green : The ingredients have a small ecological impact, and we always call ourselves out on where they fall short. Convenient : Everything is at your disposal to easily make your cleaning cabinet essentials and stick to a cleaning schedule. What does this workshop include? Lifetime access to the video tutorials for all modules (2+ hours) A 260-page PDF workbook that contains: Modules 1-15, convenient checklists, printable guidelines & labels, your weekly cleaning schedule, and more Review questions to help you assimilate the class information Access to an exclusive student forum : You  will have access to a supportive online community hosted on Facebook to  submit your questions and share your successes or difficulties. It’s a  wonderful opportunity to get feedback and motivate one another. We've got bonuses! Support from Savvy Women’s Alliance : Savvy Women’s Alliance will support you in joining or starting a local chapter to promote nontoxic living in your community. 10% off Zefiro products with code PERMACRAFTER
        Did you know that genealogy was ranked as the #2 hobby enjoyed most by Americans, right behind gardening? Over 40% of participants surveyed said they participate in family history research on a regular basis! Have you ever been curious about your roots? This course, created by a college professor of family history research, is a comprehensive guide to creating your family tree and finding your ancestors using genealogical databases (such as Ancestry, Family Search, and American Ancestors), as well as gathering important family documents and records through offline research. We will cover the different genealogical databases that are out there and how to use them, how to create a family tree, how to submit names to the temple for ordinances if you're LDS, how to locate and use important records containing family information, how to find famous ancestors (such as European royalty, Mayflower passengers, American Revolution ancestors, religious figures, or celebrities), how to join lineage societies (such as the DAR or Mayflower Society), how to use DNA kits to guide your research, how to preserve your own family history documents, and how to write and publish your family history, among other topics. Helpful step-by-step video tutorials will show you the ropes and have you finding your ancestors in no time! You may feel hesitant, but I can assure you that anyone can learn how to do genealogy. The only pre-requisite skills are knowing how to use a computer and the internet. I went from having only three names on my family tree to nearly 1,200 in just 30 days. With the tools and techniques in this course, you can do the same! THIS IS THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE GENEALOGY COURSE AVAILABLE ON UDEMY. It helps to have subscription to Ancestry prior to beginning this course. While you won't need it to complete the course, I've found this site the most helpful in finding records and gathering information, which you'll no doubt want to do after you complete the course. By the end of this course, you will be able to effectively utilize several different research methods and databases, as well as create a family tree and understand more of your cultural and ethnic heritage. Join me on this journey to family discovery!
          This course will ask you to think about why so much stuff is coming into your home. Instead of just buying things so quickly, we're going to explore different ways that you could find, share, or repurpose something you already have. We're going to talk about our relationship to stuff and whether that is serving us or not. Instead of stuff being the goal it can help to create experiences for us.
            In this course, we offer sympathy to all who have suffered from divorce. In may be a difficult time, since you lost perhaps most of your money, your kids, your friends and more. We give counsel to the immediate things you must do so five to ten years from now you can look back at pride at how you went from a victim to a survivor to a thriver. We discuss the perils of dating immediately afterwards, squandering your money on vices, and more!
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              In the long history river of human being, each civilization is a star shining in the galaxy, among which, tea culture is one of the brightest stars, guides our life, thoughts, behaviors,even decides the economy and future of a country. And this star belongs to the whole world, either near or far. From today on, we will observe this superstar closely, decompose it, analyze it, understand it and appreciate it in scientific methods and aesthetic altitude. 在人类悠久的历史长河中,每一种文明正如银河系的星星,在黑夜中闪闪发光。而茶文化,是其中最亮的一颗星星之一,照亮我们的生活,引导我们的思维,修养我们的行为,甚至是决定着一个国家的经济和命运。从今天开始,我们将用科学的方法,美学的态度,近距离观察这一刻耀眼的星星,通过正确解读,理性分析,客观理解,从而学会唯心地欣赏。 This is the Chinese Tea Art fundamental course specially designed for foreign students because you can learn some important and necessary terminologies in Hanyu pinyin. After this course, it will much easier to study other courses. 中国茶艺初阶特意为国际茶人设计,因为您不仅可以学习茶学知识,还能学习一些简单但必要的茶学术语。学习完初节课程后,参加其他的课程就会非常简单了。 ² 16 essence lessons 16节精品内容 ² Six basic types of tea 涵盖六大茶类 ² Target on Pu-erh tea 重点讲解普洱茶 ² Important vocabularies in Pinyin 重点词汇解析及拼音 ² Training of Brewing Skills 冲泡技巧演示 ² Free playback 支持免费回放 ² Free Chinese Tea Art. Oral Practice 送《茶艺英语.日常对话》 Chinese Tea Art courses are the fruit of my 18 years’ study and passion in tea, the combination of the traditional Chinese culture and western thoughts, therefore, it is scientific and interesting, objective and creative, traditional and open-minded. It is a different way to study tea science, a unique perspective to learn tea art. 《中国茶艺》系列是我18年以来,倾注对茶的热情,融合中西传统文化和理念的结晶,所以,它科学严谨却又趣味生动,客观理性却又富有创造力,尊重传统而不保守。这将是一次用不同的方法去学习茶学,用不同的视角去修行茶艺。 However, if you think this forum is not enough, you are warmly welcomed to join us with the Chinese Tea Art Course Essence at different levels in near future, choose either online studying or offline class. All the courses are able to help you with understanding completed tea lectures systematically. 但如果你觉得这些都不够,当然,欢迎您参加我们的《中国茶艺(英文)精品》课。2020年,我们准备了更多的更灵活的形式。不管是自学不管是自学无师自通,还是在线直播课程,又或者是线下浸润式学习,或茶山修行,总有一课适合你哦! CONTENTS 目录 Session I Foundation and Basic Six Types of Tea 理论基础与六大茶类 Lesson 1 The Characters of Tea Tree 茶树基本知识 Lesson 2 Tea Classification in Theory and Practice 茶叶分类的理论与实际 Lesson 3 Green Tea 绿茶篇 Lesson 4 Yellow Tea 黄茶篇 Lesson 5 White Tea 白茶 Lesson 5.1 Tasting&Evaluation of White Tea 白茶的品鉴 Lesson 6 Oolong Tea 乌龙茶 Lesson 7 Black Tea 红茶 Lesson 8 Dark Tea 黑茶 Session II Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶 Lesson 9 General Introduction of Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶的概要 Lesson 10 Classification and Main Processing of Pu-erh 普洱茶的分类和工艺 Lesson 11 The Main Area of Pu-erh Tea普洱茶各大产区的历史及风格 Lesson 12 4S Sensory Tasting&Evaluation 普洱茶品饮与鉴赏(4S品鉴法) Lesson 12.1 How to Break Pu-erh Tea Cake 如何撬普洱茶饼 Session III Brewing Skills 冲泡技巧 Lesson 13 Brewing Skills 茶叶冲泡技巧 Lesson 13.1 Green Tea Ceremony 绿茶茶艺 Lesson 13.2 Tips of Brewing Green Tea(Glasses) 绿茶冲泡解析(玻璃杯) Lesson 13.3 Brewing Skills of White Tea(Gaiwan) 白茶的冲泡(盖碗) Lesson 13.4 Brewing Skills of Rock Oolong 岩茶的冲泡技巧 Lesson 13.5 Tea Ceremony of Iron Goddess 铁观音功夫茶艺 Lesson 13. 6 Tea Ceremony of Pu-erh Tea 通用普洱茶茶艺 Session IV History of Chinese Tea 中国茶叶简史 Lesson 14 The History of Chinese TeaⅠ 中国茶叶的历史 Session V Chinese Medicine & Tea Drinking 中医与茶饮 Lesson 15 Body Constitutions & Tea Drinking 人体体质与科学饮茶 Session VI The Charms of Wine and Tea 茶与酒的魅力 Lesson 16 Food Pairing Wine&Tea 葡萄酒/茶配餐 Statement: All the contents are reserved at DiscoverCha(Yunnan) Cultural Communications Studio except for the named pictures, videos, and background music. All the contents shall be only used for the study who purchase these courses and shall not be used in any commercial events or training without any authority. 版权说明:本课程内容为钟梅及云南葡言茶语文化传播工作室所有(备注的图片、视频和背景音乐除外),仅用于购买《茶艺英语微课》的茶友交流和暂时学习。未经授权,禁止任何个人和机构转载、复印和培训)